How much does an abortion cost?

The abortion cost , womb cleaning prices varies depending on factors such as location, facility, timing, and type of procedure. The cost of an abortion ranges depending on many factors, such as how far along the pregnancy is, the kind of facility you use (clinic, physician's office, or hospital), and the kind of procedure used. The normal cost of a first-trimester abortion runs between….,for more information contact with us…

Is the procedure going to hurt?

 The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and IV sedation and lasts approximately 5 minutes in duration. Most patients experience mild discomfort and cramping, similar to menstrual cramps.While pain tolerance varies depending on the person, we do our best to minimize your discomfort and will adjust medication dosages should you require.

Will I be able to have children after an abortion?

 What if I have had more than one abortion? Current research shows that having an abortion will not interfere or affect your ability to have children in the future. Abortions performed in a safe and competent manner with no complications have no affect or bearing on your future fertility.There is no research or statistical data to support the belief that having more than one abortion will damage or affect fertility. In fact, 1st trimester abortions are very low risk procedures and have one of the lowest surgical complication rates of all surgeries performed in Turkey.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion procedure?

 Yes. If you do not practice safe sex you absolutely can get pregnant, whether you have had an abortion or not.As part of our abortion aftercare guidelines we highly recommend that you refrain from sexual intercourse until you have had your post abortion check-up. However, if you do choose to engage in intercourse, we encourage you to practice safe sex by using the birth control method of your choice, and of course condoms. Condoms are the only way to prevent STIs.

An abortion procedure does not prevent future pregnancies


İs abortion legal in Turkey İstanbul ;  Turkey abortions laws, the pregnancy termination, abortion is legal in Turkey and our clinic is legal ...

Abortion pills are illegal  and the manual vacuum abortion  procedure is confidential, safe


Be Careful!
No name doctors and fake clinics that you might stumble upon on the internet could be a serious risk to your health.
To contact Dr Nevra and talk to her personally to get information on all examinations and procedures message on call
+90 532 3540553 on Whatsapp.
Always make contact with your doctor, no matter the speciality, before travelling in for examination and procedures.
We are legal and safe abortion clinic in İstanbul for foreigners and licensed by the Ministry of Health.


Women from all over the world choose us

Safe, Pain-Free, confidential outpatient  Abortion Care through 10 Weeks


We know the decision to terminate a pregnancy is personal and we can provide patients with a completely private experience.

We regularly see patients from throughout the other parts of the world for a pregnancy termination or abortion care.

We know it can be overwhelming to plan travel or navigate a new city so our staff is available to assist you with coordinating your  abortion procedure in istanbul . If you have questions or need assistance getting here,


 please call or WA message Dr.Nevra at +90 5323540553

Private & Concierge Care


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Abortion Procedure

This safe and simple procedure will be performed by a specially trained doctor, and will take just 5 to 10 minutes. Our anesthesiologist will give you intravenous sedation to keep you as relaxed and comfortable as possible. ......

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Abortion Aftercare

Although there will usually be a little pain and bleeding, recovery usually happens fairly quickly for most women after an uncomplicated abortion. While you may feel glad that the abortion is over, you still have to be careful until your body.......

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Abortion Cost

The cost of an abortion ranges depending on many factors, such as how far along the pregnancy is, the kind of facility you use (clinic, physician's office, or hospital), and the kind of procedure used. The normal cost of a first-trimester abortion runs between.........

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